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Hello! And welcome to this website ALL ABOUT LUBE!!

I'm Sara. I spent the last 15 years talking about lube. Not exclusively, but almost daily. That's what happens when you work in feminist sex shops, which I've been doing since 2005.

In 2011, I started my own queer, feminist, sex positive, alternative sex shop in Berlin, called Other Nature, which I left in the hands of my team in May 2021.


But I quickly realized that, while I was done selling sex toys, I wasn’t quite done talking about lube. All about it.


I also enjoy hiking, experimental baking and small animals.



Why write all about lube and only lube?


Here’s the thing: While it may seem like a pretty straightforward product – for some, a staple of their sexy times, for others, an occasional go-to item, and for others, not even on their radar (yet!) – there’s actually tons of cool stuff to know about lube.

I personally think that everyone should have access to good and comprehensive information about anything they’re putting on or in their bodies. And from my years of doing sex ed in sex shops, I know that very many of you are indeed using lube, and that you have lots and lots of questions about it (which is awesome!).



How is ALL ABOUT LUBE different from other lube content?


While there’s a lot of lube-related content already out there, it’s often hard to find what you’re looking for, since articles about lube are usually mixed in amongst a bunch of other sex-related content, and the best articles don't always come up in searches.

Plus, a lot of what's written is connected to someone wanting to sell stuff, which doesn’t inherently make the content bad, but it might leave you wondering if it’s getting filtered through a marketing lens.

With ALL ABOUT LUBE, you can find the info you want quickly and hopefully learn a few things about lube that you didn’t even know you were looking for!

And while I don’t shy away from promoting lube brands and companies I like, I’m only invested in you getting the lube that’s best for you - no matter what you choose to buy or from whom!


Is this the final word on all things lube?

Of course not! I’ve done my research, but this information is by no means THE definitive answer, and is not in any way a substitute for medical advice from a trusted and qualified practitioner. Lube science, research and experience is ever-evolving.


More content is on the way, so stay tuned! If you have any lube-related topics or questions you’d like me to tackle, drop me a line below.


Thanks for reading!!

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